Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's day!

Father's day is a bitter sweet day for me. I LOVE my husband, and I LOVE the wonderful dad that he is. Instead of making breakfast in bed this year, I made my own Cafe Rio. Spencer loves the pork barbacoa, so I decided to try to make my own. To my surprise, it turned out delicious! We had Spencer's dad and two sisters over for our own barbacoa, and it was a really great night with good food and family.

Spencer is and extraordinary dad that is always there to help when they need him, to comfort a scrapped knee, to just sit back and relax, or cuddle. He has always been great to help with diapers, bottle feedings, and cleaning up puke at 2 am. Spencer is an unbelievable dad, who is there for our kids through the goods and bads. I know most families have one parent that is more of a disciplinarian and the other is a softy (good cop, bad cop.) Spencer and I don't have that kind of relationship with our kids. We both take active steps to teach our kids the rights and wrongs of life. A lot of dads have a "my way or the highway attitude." Spencer doesn't have that either. We let our kids make their choices, and while they aren't always great choices, we are just supportive in their decision to try again with some friendly parenting advice. We all make mistakes, and I am grateful for forgiveness. Spencer and I both know as parents we have made mistakes, but we are in this together, and life goes on. We point out our mistakes to our kids too, because really nobody is perfect. You know that saying, you never know how good you got it, till you got it? Well, I got it, and I LOVE IT! Thanks Spencer for being such an amazing, great, loveable, fantastic, devoted dad. Our kids are SO lucky!
"Grandpa" is also a great part of our kids lives. He is really a great man, and I am glad my kids have a grandpa to be around. There are times when Spencer's dad just comes out to visit and will sit in a chair and just read to each kid. They love it, and I am more than grateful for his love for our kids....We are all blessed by his kindness.

Father's day is also a very sad day for me. I miss my dad! It is so hard to have to visit a grave instead of a warm embrace. My dad was one I could go to for everything. When I needed advice, had car trouble, or just needed an ear. My dad was an amazing grandpa. When Trevor was born my parents helped watch him so I could work. My dad was so great with him. He would take him on walks, rock him and sing, show him his shop and tools, swing him in a swing, make foam bats to hit balloons in the house with, and just love him! It is so sad that my kids will never know this amazing man, and two of my kids weren't even here before he passed. Life really is too short, LOVE the ones around you before you too realize how much truly is gone, and you are visiting a cold grave instead of that familiar warm hug. Happy Father's day Dad!


  1. Love that you have a great guy too! I'm glad you two have each other.

  2. Lots of great men! I'm glad you and Spence found each other, too. What a nice match, and you make cute kids, too! :)
