Saturday, April 30, 2011

My baby girl is ONE!!!!

I can't believe it has already been a year since this little girl entered our life. Kairi is such a fun happy little girl. She has all of us wrapped around her little finger, and she has since about two hours after birth :)
I can't believe she was ever this small....amazing!

She never became a skinny baby, she has always had these adorable chubby cheeks.

She has a true go getter personality and has never wanted to sit still

She had a special birthday outfit, because the boys wanted her to look like a princess (I forgot to put on her little tiara Dilan picked out for her though)

She got this tinkerbell chair from Spencer and me. She loves it! I think she loves that she can sit down when she wants, but she is crazy enough to stand too, so we have to really watch her when she is enjoying her sit down time :) (lasts all of about 10 seconds)

She enjoyed a dinner at Training Table, because she loves the turkey sandwich :) YUM!

We didn't have cake, but she enjoyed a nice donut after we sang to her.

She still tore it to shreds too :)

I think overall she had a great first birthday. Kairi has changed my life. I have loved being a mom to all my boys, but I always had the "wonder what" in my mind for a girl. Wonder what she would look like, act like, how her hair would be, how the boys would be with her, how I would dress her, how would life be different/would it be different etc. Life will obviously never be the same with her in our life, but it is more than just another body, it is an experience to make me whole. This one little girl has changed us all, and all that change for the better. The boys are already extremely protective of her and love her to pieces. She is a daddy's girl and loves to see him after work. She is my little angel, and I am just honored to be called her mom. Happy Birthday Kairi! I love you SO much my little princess.

Her one year appointment she was 21 lbs 4 oz or 60% and she was 29 1/4 inches or about 70%. A big, beautiful, healthy baby girl :)


  1. Happy Birthday! She is so cute! And I will never get over all her hair!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Kairi! The older she gets, the more she looks like Tyler to me. Who do you think she looks the most like?

  3. Happy Birthday Kairi! She is seriously so cute! I love all of the pictures and I love the new one at the top.

  4. Great post. So glad you got your girl! It was fun to see her baby picture and realize she looks basically the same. I always find it funny when babies are born and I wonder what they will look like. Well, they don't change much, but it's hard to see when they are so small. However, when you look back you can totally see it. Hope that makes sense to you.
    Also, love the family pic on the top. You even included Aspen!

  5. Aww.. I LOVE this post!! There's nothing better than watching them grow and celebrating!! She's Beautiful!!

    I LOVE the new pic on top of the blog of all the kids too!
