Friday, July 9, 2010

July 4th weekend

I have been trying to write this for a while will be off :)

What a fun weekend. I saw somebody comment on how dumb that we didn't just celebrate the fourth on the actual fourth, but I completely disagree...why celebrate one when we can do three? Saturday, Spencer and I worked most of the day on a swing set for the boys. It is still not nearly done, but we did as much as we could that day. We headed up to my moms house for the fireworks/carnival at the Eaglewood golf course. This has been an annual tradition for my family now, and I LOVE IT! My kids now look forward to this every year and talk about it all year long. This year almost the whole family came, plus friends too. It was awesome!

Us with just the boys

Tiffany and Natalie

Kairi with her aunt Kay

Tobi and Mason

My Mom sporting some sunglasses

My sister Mandy took these pictures and she isn't in one, Thanks Mandy :)

Monday my family headed up to pineview reservoir. We got the boys life jackets this year, so it was even more fun, because we didn't have to stress where they were constantly.

Bryson loved just laying on this raft

Trevor playing in the sand

Dilan loved that he got to eat ding dongs at the beach..ha ha

Tyler thought the water was too cold, so he enjoyed playing with everything on the sand.

My mom just read on the beach too, but helped out holding Kairi for us too.

Spencer enjoyed his day with the boys

It was fun with Kay, Ben, Tobi, Mandy, Chris and her fiance Randy and mom Gloria, and my cousin Jenny too. We ate hot dogs for lunch, and of course treats :) Days like this make me so grateful for my family. I love that my kids get to be with their aunts and uncles for holidays, and I hope they realize how lucky they truly are to have so many people that love them around.


  1. What a fun holiday weekend. Makes you want to do it again and again because of all the fun!

  2. I love the Fourth of of my favorite holidays of the year! I am glad you had a fun holiday weekend!
