Monday, May 18, 2009


Okay, so last week was a rough week. We returned from our trip with three of four kids sick. Tyler was really bad. He didn't get near enough sleep while we were gone, and so the whole sickness got him bad. Let me just explain Thursday....So, I wake up early and start getting ready. I was starting my girl thing, so I took a shower of course. I had the same massive headache, so I took an 800 with pepsi. Bryson woke up screaming......LOVELY! Tyler woke up to that of course, so I carried him down to wake the other boys. Trev didn't want to wake, but Dilan got right up. I got Trev off to school and started heading to preschool. Dilan starts crying and said he puked. Great! Well, when we got there I noticed it wasn't much and looked like he chooked on spit, so I wiped him up and took him in. I wouldn't normally do this, but it is down to the last days of school, and they always do so much fun stuff, I didn't want him to miss out. He did great till it was time to play and running and having had a cold......not a good combo. I went and got him about twenty minutes early. Got home and I had leaked on the way...Fantastic! Got myself changed and decided we were just having crackers for lunch. They ate few and drank some juice. About three Bryson pukes all over me. My sweatshirt weighed about ten pounds. I went to carry him upstairs to clean him up, and I step in dog pee at the bottom of the stairs. So, I had to change all my clothes again. Dilan had fallen asleep on the couch and woke up puking too! I still had my headache and had now been puked on and cleaned up more than my share. Tyler also had leaky diapers...UGH! So, we stayed in most of the week, but by Friday I had cabin fever so bad, and all the kids were starting to feel lots better. So, I suggested we got to Rock Creek pizza. They have an all you can eat pizza/salad buffet and kids eat free. So, we all get to eat for $22 and Spencer can eat all he wants. It is a good deal for us. So, they have quite a bit of seating, but when you have six people it is far more limited. There was one table we could use without having to combine two others. There is two couples sitting next to that one, and they have a carseat on the floor between the two tables with a baby. I understood that, but then one of the lady's took out the baby and left the carseat leaving trev barely enough room for his tiny little body between the chair and the table. I thought it was so rude, and they totally could have moved it. I wasn't in a mood to ask though, because you know when you feel bitchy, well I don't talk to people when I feel that way. I always make things far more complicated at that point, but I did take a picture......ha ha I mortified Spencer doing so, but I totally wanted proof for this blog.............ha ha ha ha hahahhahahahhahahahahhh (evil)

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