Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day!

Just another day, but it turned out to be a pretty good one too.

The kids Grandma gave them some fun green headband and bow ties to wear. So, we took a picture of them all with their green on.

We had to put a bow tie on Kairi's head too!

I had a regional basketball game that night. I didn't want to go, but went to support my team, and we ended up winning! That was a pretty big shocker, I think it was because I had my lucky shamrock shirt on still :) While I was gone, Dilan lost his first tooth!

I have to admit I was a little sad I missed it until Spencer described how he got it out. Dilan has had this loose tooth for months, and just joking I said "too bad that tooth won't come out, maybe a leprechaun will bring you some gold with the tooth fairy money." Well, Dilan decided it needed to come out, so Spencer pulled it out using a tool. Yup, glad I missed that. The leprechaun didn't disappoint, and brought him four gold coins! Dilan said this was his best day ever, of course that just means it was better than most, but I did get him with his loot.

Normal day, but a LUCKY one too!


  1. You're kids are seriously so adorable! Love them all! Glad you had a great St. Patty's day. Congrats to Dilan. What a big boy!

  2. Love the pictures. Your kids are so cute. It is fun to see them get so excited about losing teeth.

  3. I love St. Patrick's Day! It looks like you all had fun!

  4. You're an awesome mom!

    I hear ya on not missing the tool part... what IS it with men trying to pull their kids teeth out with tools? LOL

  5. Looks like an eventful day at the Belts! St. Patty's is the best!
