Well, if you didn't know....now you do! We are expecting our fifth, yes fifth child in May. Well, due date as of now is May, but it will be born early April. I thought by the fifth pregnancy that I kind of knew most things about pregnancy....NOT! This pregnancy has thrown me for a loop. I have a lot of different things this time that I haven't had before. I have insomnia so bad! I go without sleep for four or five nights, and then I sleep the next one or two. I am tired all the time, because if I don't sleep I am still taking care of my boys, and if I do sleep that is all my body wants to keep doing, and I can't because I have four boys! I have also had constipation. I haven't ever had this during pregnancy either. You all know that constipation sucks, so I need not go into more detail. With the boys I always craved spicy stuff, and loved Taco Bell. This one spicy makes me want to hurl and for some reason Arby's is all I want. Even though all this is new I am not going to predict one sex or another, because all my pregnancies have been very different and they have all been boy :) The decision to have another child was really hard for me. I had Tyler to the point of some independence, and I just didn't want to go through another c-section. I mean who wants to go early to a hospital, get an IV put in and your privates shaved by another woman? Then to walk to a freezing cold operating room, where they prick your back several times with a local, and then stick a huge needle into your back? Then immediately you are laid down on a table to let the good old spinal make your whole body go numb. At this point they strip off your gown, and you lay there completely naked as all the nurses and doctors walk casually around you. I am a pretty private person, and I always find this part to be so freaking funny. Then I watch them clean and put on a large sticker type thing over my tummy and up right by my face. I have oxygen put on as well as little stickers all over to get good heartbeat and blood oxygen numbers. Then I smell flesh burning as the cauterize the incision across my hips. This always makes me want to hurl, but luckily I have only puked during one of these operations. Finally, they pull out my beautiful baby, and stitch me up. Recovery isn't bad till they try to move me, and I start puking my guts out. It is a really long day, and at the end I just want to show off how beautiful my baby is. So, I wasn't sure I wanted another baby....but when all came down to it, I knew it was just right for our family. I never thought I would be a mom of five, and I was never sure I wanted to, but as of now.....I am so excited! I can't wait to find out if we are finishing our basketball team, or adding a cheerleader?