Wow, six years sure have gone by fast! I still can remember Dilan being born, or really I can't remember much of that day after his birth..ha ha. Dilan has really grown up this last year. He is such a great kid and so much fun for our family. He is my sugar lover. Dilan confessed to licking the icing off the Halloween cupcakes, because "It was so YUMMY!" I love this kid though. He is a great big brother, and an excellent example to anybody watching him. He loves everybody and can make a friend anywhere. This year was a hard birthday, because I had region volleyball championship games on the night of his birthday. I was more than willing to pass the games for my little man, and I left this decision up to him. I sat him down and told him I had a volleyball game, but his birthday was far more important to me than any silly old game. I told him to decide if I should play or skip it. At about four that afternoon, he told me he really wanted me to play my game. What an awesome kid! I don't do a lot for myself, and this is one thing I really enjoy, so I was beyond grateful he was so loving and thoughtful towards me....who couldn't love him?
We took my mom with us to a Dairy Queen was all about the blizzards this year :)
He got the at home Blizzard maker from us, with some itunes money for plants vs zombies and a few other games he has really been wanting. Then we took him to Incredible Pizza for dinner. He wanted to ride the go carts with Spencer, blurry picture, but I was holding two kids while taking this shot.
We had a family party for him on Sunday. We ate his choice of food.....hotdogs, chili, chips, pasta salad, cake and ice cream. He of course couldn't wait to open his gifts.
He wasn't too sure of this cake at first. He wanted a monster truck cake. I planned to make my own, but at 11 pm the night before the party, I knew I wouldn't have enough time, and I thought this cake was so nice. I bought the little monster trucks to go on it, but he wasn't happy at first when he saw the cake. He said "I didn't want a cupcake?" When he saw it was a cupcake cake, and Toy Story 3 and the little monster trucks, he couldn't have been happier (neither could I.)
It was "the best sixth birthday ever!" he told me later. Thanks for all the love and support from our families, a birthday he says he won't forget :)